Monday 28 March 2011

KJT boys

Kampala Junior Team being briefed after the training session at Nakivubo Blue Primary school.

Kampala Junior Team boys at the training

KJT boys assembles for the instructions before the training session at Nakivubo Blue primary school.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Kampala Junior Team seek for financial support for Gothia Cup/Norway Cup this summer

Dear friend.
I humbly write to request for some financial support to enable our team (Kampala Junior Team),to travel and participate in Gothia Cup and Norway Cup scheduled to take place in  July - August 2011.
However, be informed that, the following budget items are already covered:-

· Visa application fee
· Traveler’s health Insurance
· Passports for players
· Part of air tickets

Dear friend, we wish to inform you that, we have a budget short fall for accommodation and 10 Air Ticket's totaling $13,636 we
humbly request you for any financial assistance to enable KJT participate in the tournament.Even if you have 10 dollars can help the team to travel.
 If you would like to support KJT in this campaign please cantact;
                        Mr. Mansoor Kabugo
                             P.O box 3303 Kampala-Uganda
                   Web :

                      Mrs.Ceris Dien
                                0044 1248 681841
                                +44 7786813403
                            Mr.Jeff Mowatt

Looking for your usual cooperation.
Thank you,

Your friend,
Kabugo Mansoor